16 December 2008

In the middle of the night...

I woke up again, in the middle of the night, and I don't like it. I tried hard to sleep but then, they refused to keep shut. I forced myself up, stood by the side of my bed, scratched my bum and walked slowly out of my room. I went straight to the kitchen; my aim was the fridge. I took a bottle of coke, open the cap and took a few gulp down my throat. I put it back and stared at the toilet. Got in, relieved myself and went back to lay quietly on my bed. I just can't do it. I can't sleep.

I flipped open my lappie, sat on my bed, waited for the best creation of human life to run and went online. I clicked the internet button and entered the world without boundaries. I typed out YOUTUBE and searched for Britney Spears (I am a fan, so don't laugh).

Her new album is superb. The music is edgier but safe, the voice is more confident than ever, the songs are well arranged, I mean that's what I think it sounds like. Usually when I am in youtube, I don't browse for the usual clippings or videos. I searched for something I haven't see previously. I typed down womanizer. There are quite a few and some of them are quite lousy. I watched her so-called "live" performance and I have this to say to myself: she works hard for this album and we know that for the first week of the launching of the album, she sold 500k copies already. Isn't that fabulous, which inspires me. She fell from grace big time and now she is back better than what she was. If she can do it why can't I. A normal person who is trying to make it big in her life. I took my time and wrote this entry.


LeSScAkAp said...

once in a while people will fall from grace every single one of us, but it is up to us to pick u\ourself up and rise from it or to wallow ourself in the pit of sadness and destruction (i.e Lindsay Lohan).

so the moral here is life's a bitch it will drag us down to the core and leave us there, what we have to do is find the strength to carry ourself up to the peak of our life and look back saying that hey i've been through that fucking shit and now i can face anything!

wow... did i just say that?


Ms Martha Moore said...


I really appreciate that....


thank you hub!



anna r said...

Wow, mr wordless... your words are inspiring. for a name like mr wordless, you sure seem to have a lot of words to say today... ;P

and ms martha moore my dear, why oh why do we need to know that you were scratching your bum?


Ms Martha Moore said...

to give people ideas anna....

why else...

